Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Thinking for the Existance

Well, it was so complicated subject and also my poor english is not enough to explain what i think about it ! Moreover, my brain and language might be not enough either Most of young people, who are between 14 and 27, think the life is just consist of going to disco, drinking a lot, doing sex and so on. They don't have any responsibility creating better world, sharing feelings and problems of others. They think just to have fun, spend their time by dancing , acting as if has right to do all. They don't participate responcibility of improving their country's and world's condition. But they are always at most of front to criticize goverment and people who try to do their best .

If you are an insect, no right to complain of being crushed! You don't vote, you don't have any responsibility, you don't clean front of your house but you always want everything! Don't you think there is a mistake? there is a illogical case? Come on, wake up and take responsibilities of your life! The life doesn't mean it is only fun , going to disco or falling in love. Of course , those are very important for our life. As sex is something not everything, those are something not everything.

You have to find out yourself. You have to contribute of building better world ! I can't see spirit of 68 any longer. Anyway, i wanna finish this writting by Pink Floyd's words : " so, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail? A smile from a veil? "

Thank you for reading .

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